About Dr. Reeve


From engineer to physician…

Dr. Reeve’s medical journey began in Austin, TX after her employer downsized and eliminated her electrical engineering position. Although devastating at the time, she now believes this was the best thing that could have happened to her. 

“While starting up a real estate business with my husband, I devoted time to health-promoting activities like yoga, martial arts and a plant-based diet. Health and wellness had always been a passion of mine, but at that point I realized I wanted to pursue a path that would allow me to help others attain optimal health.”

She went back to school intending to get a master’s degree in nutrition. However, after learning about naturopathic medicine and having experienced health benefits from acupuncture, she changed course and completed the 4-year doctorate program at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, AZ. During that time she saw firsthand the positive effects that naturopathic medicine had on peoples’ lives.  However, she also saw how few people were aware of it or even had access to it. After much thought, she decided to become an MD in order to reach a broader patient population and provide a more comprehensive, less fragmented solution to patients.

Dr. Reeve attended the University of Arizona in Tucson where she completed the Integrative Medicine Distinction Track and was inducted into both the AOA and Gold Humanism honor societies. She then completed a 3-year residency in Internal Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University and now practices integrative telemedicine at Sutter Health’s Institute for Health and Healing in San Francisco, CA and at Quest Health Center in St Petersburg, FL.

Her approach is to focus on the four pillars of foundational health:

  • Diet and Gut Health

  • Emotional Health with an emphasis on the Mind-Body connection

  • Sleep

  • Movement

Understanding that change can be difficult, she endeavors to meet patients wherever they are in the healing process.

“Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

— World Health Organization