Probiotics May Help Reduce Migraines


A recent study showed promising results for probiotics in treating migraines. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, migraine sufferers were given either 2 capsules of a 14-strain probiotic (Bio-Kult by Protexin; 2 billion per capsules), or a placebo. The results were impressive with the average number of monthly migraines decreased in the probiotic group from 21.57 to 11.90 in patients with chronic migraines. There was no significant change in the placebo group. The trial also demonstrated reduced severity and length of migraines in the probiotic group as compared to placebo. This is not surprising given the theoretical relationship between gut issues, inflammation and migraines. Leaky gut syndrome can lead to increased inflammation and inflammatory cytokines are thought to be associated with migraines through trigeminal nerve activation. Healthy gut flora can help reduce overall inflammation.

  1. Martami F, Togha M, Seifishahpar M, et al. The effects of a multispecies probiotic supplement on inflammatory markers and episodic and chronic migraine characteristics: A randomized double-blind controlled trial. Cephalalgia. 2019;39(7):841-853. doi:10.1177/0333102418820102


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